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Elizabeth Harris.

User Experience Researcher, Behavioral Scientist and
Award-Winning Social Psychologist


Elizabeth Harris

PhD in Social Psychology

Researcher at Discourse Labs

 New York, NY

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Passionate about understanding human behavior, I bring years of experience in leading research, analyzing data, and communicating actionable insights. I have conducted surveys and A/B testing experiments for 6 years, and I have conducted user interviews for the past year and a half. As a dedicated and self-motivated team player with exceptional communication skills, I am currently a researcher with Discourse Labs. We are working to develop curriculum and technology to help health communicators build trust online.
Explore my website to learn more about my professional journey.

Education & Experience




PhD in Social Psychology - New York University, NY
PhD Mentor: Jay Van Bavel

Professional Work


Oct 2023 – Current

Nov 2024 – Current


Master's of Psychology, MA - New York University, NY

MA Mentor: Jay Van Bavel


BSc in Psychology - Western University, London, ON, Canada
Honors Thesis Mentor: Jim Olson

[NDA], Part-Time Research Consultant

Sep 2022 – Sep 2023

The Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania)
Postdoctoral Fellow

Jan 2013 – June 2017

Multiple Experimental Psychology Labs, Researcher, Research Assistant & Lab Manger 

Education & Experience



Oct 2023 – Current

Discourse Labs / ARTT Project, Researcher

  • Led a National Science Foundation-funded project, developing tools that help public health communicators keep online communities more informed and help them build trust with their audience 

  • Qualitative Experience: Developed and conducted 20+ qualitative user interviews

  • Usability testing’ and ‘needs discovery’ interviews

  • Identified and synthesized key takeaways from quantitative and qualitative data; created plots and summary documents (Microsoft Suite) and suggested design changes (20+) based on the takeaways (to the tool UI, the tool target audiences, the tool’s primary function, etc.) 

  • Crafted a development plan and product roadmap for a public health communication tool

  • Visualized research findings for clear and concise public and professional communication purposes

  • Led a series of public health communicators’ working groups, building out our recommendations and understanding of the ethical use of AI in their roles 

  • Wrote a newsletter post and blog posts for the company, communicating my research and tool updates with potential users with varying technological knowledge 

  • Presented research methods, plots, insights and proposed design changes 10+ times at meetings with members of different departments 

Nov 2024 – Current

[NDA], Part-Time Research Consultant

  • Writing a research review report for a legal case 

Sep 2022 – Sep 2023

The Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania), Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Conceptualized and designed several online experimental surveys (e.g., A/B testing)

  • Incorporated feedback and requirements to refine research project goals from cross-departmental colleagues 

  • Structured multiple large nationally representative datasets 

  • Analyzed complex data in R using methods such as multivariate regression, multilevel regression modeling, longitudinal analyses, etc.

  • Visualized research findings for clear and concise public and academic communication purposes using R

  • Identified takeaways of data and suggest interventions based on data

  • Wrote and contributed to 2 scientific publications

  • Presented research methods, plots, and insights 2 times at meetings with members of different departments 

Sep 2017 – July 2022

Department of Psychology, Doctoral Research Associate and SSHRC Research Fellow

Van Bavel Lab, New York University

  • Conceptualized and designed ~30 online experimental surveys (e.g., A/B testing)

  • Incorporated feedback and requirements to refine research project goals from cross-departmental colleagues 

  • Analyzed complex data in R using methods such as multivariate regression, multilevel regression modeling, longitudinal analyses, etc.

  • Visualized research findings for clear and concise public and academic communication purposes using R

  • Identified takeaways of data and suggest design changes or interventions based on data

  • Oversaw research collaboration across departments and upheld quality standards throughout research cycles  

  • Developed and presented research key insights and visualizations for different audiences, from field experts to the general public 

  • Crafted written and verbal reports appropriate for various outlets, from academic journals to social media posts

  • Led a team of undergraduate and graduate students to conduct idea‐to‐implementation research on misinformation

  • Wrote and contributed to 25+ scientific publications

  • Presented research methods, analyses, plots and insights ~5 times at large conferences and 10+ times meetings with members of different departments and universities

Jan 2013 – June 2017

Multiple Experimental Psychology Labs, Researcher, Research Assistant & Lab Manger 

Western University (Olsen Lab, Cohen Lab, and Gawronski Lab; 2014-2017), University of Toronto (Cunningham Lab; 2017), St. Andrews University (Dritschel Lab; 2015)

  • Conceptualized and designed multiple experimental surveys

  • Surveyed and reviewed the relevant academic literature thoroughly and efficiently

  • Analyzed qualitative and quantitative survey data and visualized results using R 

  • Communicated with and conducted research with participants in the lab; organized studies and RAs as lab manager

Awards & Interests



  • William J. Henrich Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania

  • Katzell Summer Fellowship, New York University

  • Henry M. MacCracken Fellowship, New York University

  • Doctorate Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 



Research Methodology:
➢Online surveys (50+)
➢A/B testing (40+)
➢Interviews (~20)
➢Advanced experience with: Qualtrics, Prolific, Microsoft Office Suite, RStudio (7+ years)
➢Advanced experience with statistics in R (7+ years)

Data Analytics:
➢Descriptive statistics
➢Linear and categorical data analysis including multivariate regression
➢Strong multivariate data visualization using R, Tableau, and Google Sheets
➢Longitudinal & nested data analysis (multilevel models)

Visualized research findings for clear and concise public and professional communication purposes (20+)

Synthesized key takeaways and suggested design changes (20+) based on the takeaways (to the tool UI, the tool target audiences, the tool’s primary function, etc.) 

Led a series of public health communicators’ working group (Jan 2024 - Current)

Wrote a newsletter post and blog posts for the company, communicating my research and tool updates with potential users with varying technological knowledge (3) 

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